Maurício Carlos da Silva Braga
- Attorney -
Maurício Carlos da Silva Braga is Brazilian, born in the city of São Paulo in 1956.
He is a lawyer graduated in 1978 from the Faculty of Law of the University of São Paulo (Largo de São Francisco), specializing in Copyright Law and Industrial and Intellectual Property (trademarks and patents).
He was appointed by Minister Onyx Lorenzoni on 03/11/2019, to hold the honorable position of SECRETARY of the SECRETARIAT OF COPYRIGHT AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY – SDAPI, of the Special Secretariat for Culture of the Ministry of Citizenship.
He served as a member of GIPI – Interministerial Intellectual Property Group.
He served as a member of the CNCP – NATIONAL COUNCIL TO FIGHT PIRACY, of the Federal Government – in Brasília.
He was part of the Brazilian Government's delegation to the Permanent Committee on Copyright of WIPO – World Intellectual Property Organization, at its headquarters in Geneva (Switzerland).
He is one of the pioneers in the area of combating piracy in Brazil, having participated, at the invitation of the Brazilian Government, in the work of the CPI on Piracy in Brasília.
Pioneer lawyer in Brand Licensing and Combating Piracy of Football Clubs in Brazil.
He held the position of President of ABRAL – BRAZILIAN LICENSING ASSOCIATION, as well as Secretary-Director of ASPI – PAULISTA ASSOCIATION OF INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY.
In his more than 42 years of career, he has worked in this area of Copyright and Intellectual Property as a Lawyer for CBF – CONFEDERAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE FOOTBOL, the main Football Clubs in Brazil, as well as large companies such as: PENALTY, GULLIVER, DUPONT (LYCRA , SUPPLEX, TACTEL and TEFLON), NIKE, MATTEL (BARBIE), UMBRO, ADIDAS, GRUPO LAVRA, COTIPLÁS, BRINQUEDOS ESTRÊLA, REGINA FESTAS and others.
As a legal consultant, he permanently works in the segment of consumer rights protection related to Copyright and Industrial Property.
He is a founding partner and director of BRAGA & ASSOCIADOS – ADVOGADOS, established in 1984.
São Paulo, April 2020.